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Exterior Elevation

Exterior Elevation

University Center Exterior

University Center Exterior

Facade Detail

Facade Detail

Interior Circulation

Interior Circulation



Stairway Circulation

Stairway Circulation

Geometric Details

Geometric Details

Fashion Classrooms

Fashion Classrooms

Student Lounge

Student Lounge

Circulation Diagram

Circulation Diagram

Program Section

Program Section

West Elevation

West Elevation

South Elevation

South Elevation

First Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

3rd Floor Plan

3rd Floor Plan

Fifth Floor Plan

Fifth Floor Plan

6th Floor Plan

6th Floor Plan

7th Floor Plan

7th Floor Plan

8th Floor Plan

8th Floor Plan

University Center The New School 


University Center is a flagship building for The New School University as part of the campus masterplan redesign with the institutional heart located in downtown Manhattan near Union Square. The LEED® Gold building campus, designed by SOM is 200,000 sf of academic space on the first 7 floors and 150,000 square feet for a 600-bed dormitory above. Interactive spaces are dispersed throughout the section articulated exterior curtain wall to activate all levels of the building with public activity. Three iconic stairs weave through the building, creating activity hives along the facade with large glass windows. Loft-style, flex spaces house 50,000 square feet of design studios, classrooms, and computing labs which can be reconfigured with no impact on power, data, or lighting. The extensive academic program includes 19 fashion studios, 17 drawing studios, 12 classrooms, and seven science labs. The building also includes an 800-seat auditorium, central library, cafeteria, 2,200 sf faculty resource room,15 faculty offices, 3 student lounges, and a lobby/cafe space on two levels, with provisions for music performances.

While project managing for the office of design and construction, I assisted the office's VP and Planning Director with the campus masterplan including University Center as the flagship project. I collaborated with VPs across schools, developed program design and documents, RFPs, HEGIS code compliance, Real Estate team coordination, historic preservation for renovations of existing buildings and overseeing teams including architecture, interiors, graphic design, fire safety, code and zoning compliance and inspectors.

Client New School University Office of Design & Construction

Project Stats 370,000 sf 16 Stories

200k sf academic space floors 1-7 & 150k sf 600-bed dormitory above

Team SOM Architects & Interiors

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